Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are considered as energy constrained network because it contains sensor nodes with limited battery capacity and transmission range. In WSNs there is one mechanism used to enlarge the lifespan of network and provide more efficient functioning procedures that is clustering. Clustering is a process to subdivide the sensing field of sensor network into number of clusters. Each cluster selects a leader called cluster head. A cluster head may be elected by the sensor node in the cluster or pre assigned by the network designer. Optimized Clustering can save lot of energy in the network. In this paper we create dynamic cluster head based on the sensor node energy. The new method considers three major parameters for the cluster head selection criteria and they are as follows, residual battery level of sensor, energy consumption of communication device on sensor and distance of sensor node to the base station. We considered the transmission range of the base station in WSNs to improve the clustering performance. The proposed method can achieve longest network lifetime, shortest delay time and low energy consumption and high no of successful packet delivery as compare to different existing algorithm.
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Wireless sensor networks
» Dynamic Cluster based Energy efficient protocol for wireless sensor networks