In this project Library management system, the creation of database for storing the details is done in tables. A table for member details is allotted as well as a table for book details is allotted. Another table is also needed which stores the details about students who have taken books and this table is named as Member book details. The various details are stored at run time and similarly the transaction details are stored at run time.
This information is either stored in the database and they can be seen when required or they can be seen at run time by selecting the option display. The earlier systems used to do the performance evaluation part manually but the proposed system maintains all the information in a standard database and generates reports when necessary. The user can carry out the search operation based on the above criteria’s.
The project explains clearly the library management process in C++ and Visual C++. Here the connection between databases is established through the programming languages. Also, the system is flexible for future enhancements.
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